Remote student internships with Kizuna Across Cultures

Kizuna Across Cultures

Kizuna Across Cultures is now accepting applications for our August 2024 – March 2025 internship to assist with our virtual language and culture exchange Global Classmates. University students who are passionate about international youth exchange, US-Japan relations, and Japanese language are a great fit for this unique internship.

Interns work with KAC for 2 semesters (mid-August through early March), 10 hours per week remotely and 2 hours per week in virtual meetings. It is possible for interns to be located outside of DC and still fully participate in the internship.

Interns act as Senpai (similar to a mentor) and engage directly online with the high school students from the US and Japan participating in our virtual language and culture exchange program Global Classmates, so bilingual English/Japanese is necessary. Students taking university 3rd or 4th year Japanese language courses have a sufficient language level to participate in the internship. We accept applications on a rolling basis and will accept them until all openings are filled.


April 8, 2024