先学期COVID-19 のため、remote learningに急遽切り替わった。うまく行った点、苦労した点を振り返り、秋学期に備えての課題も見えてきた。秋学期はオンラインだけの学校、ハイブレッド等色々な授業形態になるようだが、このウェビナーでは blended/online learning pedagogy (Hybrid Course Design) を軸に, ACTFL 3 modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, presentational) を使った Asynchronous online のアクティビティー、Online assessment 等の具体例 (大学でのCanvasを使ったブレンド 型学習 (50% face-to-face / 50% asynchronous onlineでの例)を通し、オンライン学習の課題についてみんなと一緒に考えてみたい。

Presenter Magara Maeda, Senior Lecturer of Japanese at University of Wisconsin-River Falls, has been teaching using blended formats and hybrid course design since well before the COVID-19 pandemic.


SLIDES (PDF): AATJ Webinar Slides: Facing the “New Normal”

CHAT TRANSCRIPT: Chat Transcript, July 7, 2020

Background reading materials for the webinar:
Hybrid Course Design
How to Establish a Strong Community in an Online Course
Blended Learning Essentials for World Languages

Canvas users: Maeda sensei’s Canvas sample module/template is available at the Canvas Commons. Non-Canvas users: Screenshots/explanations of the Canvas sample module/template are available at “Covid-19と日本語教育” Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/303452233952002/

(Webinar sponsor: Japan Foundation – Los Angeles)